Safety starts before the bus arrives and continues after exiting the bus!
1. Obey all traffic laws getting to and from the stop.
2. Be at the bus stop 5 minutes early.
3. Do not play near the roadway or roughhouse at the school bus stop.
4. Never run toward the school bus especially if it’s moving.
5. Stay 5 giant steps away from where the bus will stop.
6. Stay still when the bus approaches the stop.
7. Wait until the bus has stopped and the doors are open before approaching the bus.
1. Line up single file 5 giant steps away from the street or road.
2. Use the handrail when boarding.
3. Do not push, shove or trip others, take turns.
4. Go directly to your seat and sit down facing forward.
1. Stay seated in your seat.
2. Don't speak loudly or make loud noises that could distract the driver.
3. Keep aisles clear of belongings.
4. Wait for the bus to stop completely before getting up from your seat.
5. Always listen to the Bus Drivers instructions.
1. Walk quickly in single file to the front of the bus, don't push or shove.
2. Use the handrail when exiting
3. Move to a safe distance and stay there, do not move, until the school bus has driven away.
4. If you have to cross in front of the bus, make sure the driver can see you, wait until the driver signals its safe for you to cross.
5. When the driver signals, quickly look left, right, then left again, cross keeping an eye out for sudden traffic changes
1. Make sure all materials fit safely in the student’s school bag with the zipper closed.
2. Do not send with the student any food or drink to be consumed on the School bus.
3. Oversized items (things that do not fit in the school bag) must be cleared with the School Board or bus operator before sending with the student.
4. Phones, toys or other objects are to stay in the school bag when on the School bus please explain this to the student.
5. Walk your student to and home from the Bus Stop, parking your vehicle near the bus stop can hinder the safe operation of the School bus.
6. Tag any outerwear with your child’s name in the event it is left on the Bus.
7. If you drive your children to school, do not park or drop off your child near the School bus zone. Don't allow your child to walk between parked vehicles or School buses, walk your child to the crosswalk and cross with them so they safely get to their school door.